What is generative artificial intelligence AI?

Generative AI vs Predictive AI vs. Machine Learning

However, there’s always a competitive shutdown between two subfields of AI. With the artificial intelligence wave, many business owners and marketers are perplexed about which technology to implement. It has evolved a lot from just automated caller tune messages in the past to fully functional robots now. Almost every part of our life includes a lesser or higher form of artificial intelligence. It’s not clear what’s meant by “reduced risk,” exactly, given the pitfalls of training AI with synthetic data. Fighting for relevance in the growing — and ultra-competitive — AI space, IBM this week introduced new generative AI models and capabilities across its recently launched Watsonx data science platform.

And with the time and resources saved here, organizations can pursue new business opportunities and the chance to create more value. As described earlier, generative AI is a subfield of artificial intelligence. Generative AI models use machine learning techniques to process and generate data. Broadly, AI refers to the concept of computers capable of performing tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence, Yakov Livshits such as decision making and NLP. In customer service, earlier AI technology automated processes and introduced customer self-service, but it also caused new customer frustrations. Generative AI promises to deliver benefits to both customers and service representatives, with chatbots that can be adapted to different languages and regions, creating a more personalized and accessible customer experience.


It monitors developments, recognition, and achievements made by Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Analytics companies across the globe. The most commonly used generative models for text and image creation are called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs). Once a generative AI algorithm has been trained, it can produce new outputs that are similar to the data it was trained on. Because generative AI requires more processing power than discriminative AI, it can be more expensive to implement. In 2023, the rise of large language models like ChatGPT is indicative of the explosion in popularity of generative AI as well as its range of applications.

ai vs. generative ai

As the scope of its impact on society continues to unfold, business and government organizations are still racing to react, creating policies about employee use of the technology or even restricting access to ChatGPT. With predictive AI, companies can analyze data and simulate different scenarios to help them make the right decision with the available information. One of the notable benefits of predictive AI to businesses is its ability to provide adequate forecast data to enable companies to plan ahead and maintain competitivity advantages over their competition. An adequate forecast of future occurrences helps companies to plan and maximize every opportunity. The accuracy of a forecast solely depends on the quality and relevance of the data feed to the algorithm and the level of sophistication of the machine learning algorithm. The Human expert involved in this process also plays an important role.

Popular Free Generative AI Apps for Music

As a new technology that is constantly changing, many existing regulatory and protective frameworks have not yet caught up to generative AI and its applications. A major concern is the ability to recognize or verify content that has been generated by AI rather than by a human being. Another concern, referred to as “technological singularity,” is that AI will become sentient and surpass the intelligence of humans. Around the same time — Q — Watsonx.data will gain a vector database capability to support retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), IBM says.

Yakov Livshits
Founder of the DevEducation project
A prolific businessman and investor, and the founder of several large companies in Israel, the USA and the UAE, Yakov’s corporation comprises over 2,000 employees all over the world. He graduated from the University of Oxford in the UK and Technion in Israel, before moving on to study complex systems science at NECSI in the USA. Yakov has a Masters in Software Development.

  • Many of the game companies are, by their very nature, experts at creating artificial worlds and building stories around them.
  • Predictive AI, on the other hand, seeks to generate predictions or projections based on previous data and trends.
  • With time, it will become more accurate and improve efficiency in many sectors.
  • It can also create variations on the generated image in different styles and from different perspectives.
  • The Human expert involved in this process also plays an important role.

One example might be teaching a computer program to generate human faces using photos as training data. Over time, the program learns how to simplify the photos of people’s faces into a few important characteristics — such as size and shape of the eyes, nose, mouth, ears and so on — and then use these to create new faces. I enjoyed reading the article by Awais Bajwa explaining the time-lapse of traditional AI from 1950s to 2008. He goes on to discuss the enormous growth of data in just the last 10 years and the advancement of “unsupervised learning” and “reinforcement learning” to make predictions. This momentum could be credited to cheaper computing power with “pay as you go” models and larger sets of data.

AI harnesses machine learning algorithms to analyze, detect, and alert managers about anomalies within the network infrastructure. Some of these algorithms attempt to mimic human intuition in applications that support the prevention and mitigation of cyber threats. This can help to alleviate the work burden on understaffed or overworked cybersecurity teams. In some cases, AI systems can be programmed to automatically take remediation steps following a breach.

ai vs. generative ai

Predictive AI solely realizes the dataset for its analyses and predictions. This could be very catastrophic in critical conditions where essential data and parameters are not factors in the given dataset and could result in predictions/forecast that is false. ChatGPT’s ability to generate humanlike text has sparked widespread curiosity about generative AI’s potential. Some companies will look for opportunities to replace humans where possible, while others will use generative AI to augment and enhance their existing workforce. The likely path is the evolution of machine intelligence that mimics human intelligence but is ultimately aimed at helping humans solve complex problems.

AI in Application Development: Does It Have Hidden Costs?

Companies utilize GPT-3 to create AI-powered writing assistants, chatbots, and language understanding systems. Generative AI offers creative possibilities, adaptability, and realistic outputs. This field is progressing at a rapid pace, and that’s why it’s immensely important to stay up-to-date. If you’re considering using generative AI for your business, you need to know some benefits and disadvantages. Their audience became their biggest marketer by spreading the word through social media posts and reels of My AI on social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter, and WhatsApp. It made more people curious and they downloaded the app just to use this chatbot.

For example, a generative AI model for text might begin by finding a way to represent the words as vectors that characterize the similarity between words often used in the same sentence or that mean similar things. Joseph Weizenbaum created the first generative AI in the 1960s as part of the Eliza chatbot. Design tools will seamlessly embed more useful recommendations directly into workflows. Training tools will be able to automatically identify best practices in one part of the organization to help train others more efficiently. And these are just a fraction of the ways generative AI will change how we work. The AI-powered chatbot that took the world by storm in November 2022 was built on OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 implementation.

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